Thursday, November 02, 2006


The Sky is Falling in Scarborogh Country

I had fun watching Joe Scarborough and pals covering the demise of the GOP on MSNBC last night. Amazing. The whole affair had the feel of some post disaster coverage and the Democratic sweep of the mid-terms was presented as though it was a done deal. The only thing missing was video of enraged conservatives ransacking local Republican HQs and burning Bush in effigy. Sheesh!
Meanwhile, my man Sean was interviewing Bush over on Fox. Quite the contrast.
I'm eagerly anticipating watching the Scarborough's of the world eat crow when this "disenchanted, angry as hell" Republican base arrives at the polls in mass. Next Tuesday will be my first time to vote rationally in an election (save for the primary), and I have complete confidence that there will be no conservative boycott. It was reason that drew me to the right side of the aisle, and the predicted wide spread no shows by Republicans wouldn't be reasonable. No way is the Republican base going to cede control of Congress in these dangerous times in order to make some self defeating protest. No way.
In 2004 the MSM was positively giddy when the early (and laughably erroneous) exit polls gave Kerry a comfortable lead. Then reality broke in when the actual numbers came across, and they couldn't even pretend to hide their bias. So, next Tuesday night I'm gonna settle in with some beers, tune into CNN or MSNBC, and gleefully watch their crestfallen expressions once their dearly heralded poll driven expectations disintegrate and flutter down like confetti at a Republican victory celebration.

What if the Democrats pick up a few seats, but not enough to gain control? Will the MSM portray that as a Democratic victory, in spite of what they have been saying the last few months?

What I would love to see, although I know it won't happen, would be the Democrats lose a seat or two overall. There would be no way for the MSM to color that a victory. And maybe then the Democrats would realize how the public truly views their ideology. ;)
Well, of course MSM will portray anything less than a Democratic rout as evidence of loathsome Middle America's ignorance. I mean, you know us: If we're not at the cock fights gettin' drunk on 'shine we're down at the local church handling snakes and putting the moves on our sister. Sheesh!
I know that most members of the MSM must come from normal families in normal towns. So, what happens between high school and a few years on the beat? You'd think they'd become more enlightened, yet their focus seems to become more narrow as the march lock step to L'Internacionale!
And wouldn't that a fine November 8th: to wake up and find that they actually lost seats? Yep, yep, yep...
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