Friday, November 03, 2006


Mea Culpa

I just deleted a post entitled "Shameless Hypocrisy from the Academy" that I posted just a couple of hours ago. At issue in the post was the recent revelation of photos of University of Pennsylvania president Amy Guttman posing with a student dressed as a suicide bomber at her annual Halloween party. This can be found at The Democracy Project . The gist of my post was that it was very hypocritical for the president of a university allow such a get up at her party and to pose for a photo when colleges and universities routinely trample the constitutional rights of their students for far more innocent violations of their hysterical, politically correct, and illegal speech codes. I linked to several posts from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (F.I.R.E.) website citing examples of this sort of abuse coming on the heels of costumes/ costume parties deemed to be racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive.
Well, my new blog buddy edmcgon did me a great service (pigskins and politics) by pointing out that The University of Pennsylvania had no significant mentions on the F.I.R.E. site. And on checking for myself I found that F.I.R.E. actually gives U of Pa a green light (best) rating in terms of their upholding first amendment rights. Whoops!
I updated the post with his comments, but on reconsideration I felt it was best to delete the post altogether since I could hardly accuse President Guttmann of hypocrisy. Much the opposite. So, I took it down.
Thanks to edmogon for the heads up. I should have done my homework on this one, and I'll be doubly circumspect, and thorough with my research in future posts.
I feel the issue of freedom of speech on our campuses warrants our attention, and I encourage everyone to follow that link to the F.I.R.E website. There's tons of enlightening info there. Thanks, Chip

UPDATE: Amy Guttman apologises for the photos. Sounds like she's a refreshingly stand up administrator.

No problem Chip.

If you ever need a good example of university administrators not practicing free speech, try reading some of Mike Adams' columns. ;)
Way ahead of you, bro. I've been enjoying Mike's biting sarcasm for a while now. And did you know that his pick for least abusive university is UGA? GO DAWGS!
Speaking of biting, he bit Georgia Tech a new one a while back. ;)

I ran across this article on about this Bigfoot researcher who his fellow professors were trying to shut up:
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