Sunday, October 29, 2006
A Jungle of Inanity
This episode is a perfect example of the sort of mindlessness from the left that drove me to conservatism. Nowhere in this tantrum does this guy attempt to address any issue. It's simply 6th grade name calling.
He begins by accusing the ad of being morally and logically unsound and of mocking Fox, but there's nothing else to support this. Anyone who could find this ad mocking of Michael Fox would probably hear jungle drums in the background of a Bob Coker ad. He obviously thinks his point is sufficiently self-evident as to need no illumination.
The rest of the post he simply obscenely defames the actors and ends with a call for medical experimentation on Patricia Heaton. Man o man!
Anyone with any capacity for reason will find this sort of intellectually vacuous tripe unacceptable. This is an extreme example, but as I read more and more from the liberal blogs I found that vitriol and outrage were nearly always used in place of reason. A sure sign of an indefensible position. You simply don't hear this from the right.
I count myself as very fortunate to have emerged from this inane jungle.